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Products supporting the operation of wastewater treatment plants.

Products supporting the operation of wastewater treatment plants include, among others, chemical agents for coagulation and flocculation, which accelerate sedimentation processes of contaminants. Enzymes and microorganisms aid in the decomposition of organic matter, improving the efficiency of biological wastewater treatment. Advanced filtration systems and membranes help remove micro-pollutants and heavy metals, enhancing the quality of treated water. Additionally, monitoring and automation technologies allow for precise control of processes, minimizing energy and resource consumption.

Solutions for closing the sewage sludge management cycle

Solutions for closing the sewage sludge management cycle focus on processing and reusing the sludge. One example is the production of biogas from sludge, which can be used to generate thermal and electrical energy, thereby reducing CO2 emissions. Additionally, sludge can be converted into organic fertilizers that enrich the soil, minimizing the need for synthetic fertilizers. In this way, sludge management becomes more sustainable and environmentally friendly, aligning with the principles of the circular economy.

Automation solutions for the recycling process

Automation solutions for the recycling process include vending machines that collect bottles, encouraging consumers to return packaging by offering discounts or loyalty points in exchange. These smart devices automatically recognize and sort bottles by material type, making their further recycling easier. Combined with advanced waste sorting systems that utilize artificial intelligence, the processing of raw materials becomes more efficient and precise. Automation, supported by monitoring and data analysis, allows for the optimization of the recycling cycle, promoting sustainable resource use and reducing CO2 emissions.

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